maandag 18 juli 2011

Amazone seeds,Amazone zaden

Perforated,polished and colored brainy seeds. Approximate size of each seed: 0.9 to 1.2 cm.

Huayruro zaden, huayruro seeds

Huayruro zaden komen van de Huayruro boom die groeit in de Amazone en wel 40 meter hoog kan worden. Deze zaden zijn rood en zwart van kleur (vrouwelijke zaden zijn rood en de mannelijke zaden rood en zwart).De Huayruro wordt sinds de tijd van de Inca’s gezien als een "zaad dat zorgt voor geluk en welvaart". Er wordt aangeraden om altijd een Huayruro zaad bij je te dragen om geluk aan te trekken en negatieve energie te vermijden.De Amazone indianen hebben sinds lange tijd de Huayruro zaden gebruikt voor het maken van hun sieraden.Wij verkopen in onze webwinkel Huayruro zaden die worden gecombineerd in sieraden om geluk aan te trekken

Acai palm zaden- Acai palm seeds

The low maintenance Acai Palm tree could be one part of the solution to stopping the destruction of the rainforest. The acai fruits from this tree have been used for centuries by indigenous people for making necklaces and as food.

The Acai Palm Tree is indigenous to the rainforest tree and is often cut down for its wood and is often cleared to make pastures for cattle farming. By promoting the sales of acai seed and acai berry jewellery, we can help to save the rainforest by encouraging the cultivation of the acai berry rather than the harvesting of the tree. Our jewellery is handmade by local artisans and indigenous people of the jungles of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. The seeds are often dyed in different colors and then combined in a variety of patterns to create beautiful and natural bracelets and necklaces. The acai seed is said to possess powers of healing and of protection and is often worn by shamans.

The acai berries have also become popular in the West for their health benifits as they contain one and half times more antioxidants than pomegranate seeds, over triple the amount found in blueberries, and over six times the amount found in strawberries. Antioxidants reduce the amount of free radicals in the body therefore it's been claimed that they help to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Create your own necklaces and earrings with the acai seed below. Sold in packs of 15 seeds. Please contact us for larger quanties, or, other varieties

Bombona zaden -Bombona seeds

The bombona seed comes from a palm tree (Iriartea deltoidea) indigenous to central and south America. Animals such as toucans, tapirs, monkeys, pigs and rodents eat the fruits. They can be dyed and then polished to make stunning globular balls popular for making jewellery.
Each seed reflects it own uniquess in having its' own shape, form and markings. Our rainforest seed jewellery is handmade in Ecuador and Peru. They are bight and colorful yet earthy. The seed used are eco-friendly and sustainable giving beauty as well as value to those who make